17 December 2019, Ronta di Cesena
Evening dedicated to Sensitization on Desmoide Tumor and Gardner’s Syndrome in support of our NGO, at the Circolo Endas “E. Macrelli” in Ronta di Cesena.
The evening was organized by our Representative Carlotta Del Vecchio, who decided to talk about this disease with which she has been struggling for years, with stubbornness and courage!
With the same strength and energy that she put into the organization of the evening, during which she explained what it means, not only on a scientific level, but also from a daily point of view as a patient, to live with a Rare Cancer.
Dr Ibrahim Toni – Founder and Head of the Departmental SS of the Center for Osteoncology, Rare Tumors of the IRST-IRCCS in Meldola and Coordinator of the multidisciplinary group of sarcomas of the Romagna Oncological Network intervened next to her – to explain the importance of COLLABORATION between patient associations and centers of reference in medical networks in the field of RARE CANCER.
This evening was possible thanks to the support and kindness:
– Of the Endas La Palazeta Club that hosted us,
– The Endas organization that believed and supported us,
– The Florist Garden TIsselli who gave us some fantastic floral gifts.
We want to thank them all immensely.